Beach Ball Splashdown!
This was my very first ever game jam, so I had very little idea of what to expect! What made it more interesting, I was an organizer! My role was to provide IT support should any issues arise.
Day One
We all got introduced to the theme - WAVES.
This could be anything! We toyed with ideas from an Endless Summer surfing game through to lighthouses blasting light waves.
Eventually our team decided to make a beach ball game similar to air hockey, however you blast the ground causing shockwaves which propel the ball in a direction.
Day Two
Discovering the coffee shop across the road made the whole weekend just that much better!
After some much needed caffination, we got to work assigning roles and pumping out some results.
We had a very talented up-coming 3D artist make some great looking assets.
I created a mesh which implemented the ripple effect we were wanting and the other programmers nutted out the character controllers and game loop.
I created a mesh which implemented the ripple effect we were wanting and the other programmers nutted out the character controllers and game loop.
We were off to a solid start!
Day Three
Final day and we're pretty much ready to go!
Our audio guy had made a fantastic sound track, along with some cool sounds.
I implemented the audio, added some sandy terrain and some other code tidy ups while the other programmers finished a fully functioning UI system.
Ready to Go!
And here we are, all finished - it's far from perfect - but is fun, not bad for a few days worth of work!